Monday 12 September 2011


Hello newcomers, welcome to my Labyrinth of PURE AWESOMENESS!!!

Settle down, get a coke, and enjoy the PURE AWESOMENESS of PURE AWESOMENESS!!

Seriously though, this blog is totally devoted to content of the utmost awesomness, all those characters that you thought of putting in fanfics and then changed your mind, tell me! they can appear in the biggest-character fanfic EVER!

I am compiling a massive list of characters who will ALL feature in this fanfic, enjoy!!


  1. Ooh, I've got LOADS of characters! Not based on any real series, though.. But Farrow is the one I've developed the most.
    She's a seventeen year old girl from the 23rd century. She's clever, bold, and a machanical genious. You can give her a dozen bolts and she'll build you an electric shocker.
    She's only got her dad, who works for the ministry as a Green Technologist, who basically develops machines that help the enviroment, and also on a secret governmental project that's working on a spaceship that can carry the world's population into space, just in case the world would become completely uninhabitable. Hope it helps!

  2. ok, can I use her please, also, if you have any more characters, plz tell me
